%= stylesheet_link_tag "wiki_syntax.css" %>
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<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_em.png", { alt: "Italic" }) %> | *Italic* | Italic | |||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_ins.png", { alt: "Underline" }) %> | _Underline_ | Underline | |||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_del.png", { alt: "Deleted" }) %> | ~~Deleted~~ | ||||||||||
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<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_pre.png", { alt: "Preformatted text" }) %> | ``` lines of code ``` |
lines of code | |||||||||
Highlighted code (" target="_blank">more | supported languages) | |||||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_precode.png", { alt: "Código resaltado" }) %> | ``` ruby 3.times do puts 'Hello' end ``` |
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Lists | |||||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_ul.png", { alt: "Unordered list" }) %> | * Item 1 * Sub * Item 2 |
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<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_ol.png", { alt: "Ordered list" }) %> | 1. Item 1 1. Sub 2. Item 2 |
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Headings (" target="_blank">more) | |||||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_h1.png", { alt: "Heading 1" }) %> | # Title 1 | Title 1 | |||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_h2.png", { alt: "Heading 2" }) %> | ## Title 2 | Title 2 | |||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_h3.png", { alt: "Heading 3" }) %> | ### Title 3 | Title 3 | |||||||||
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http://foo.bar | http://foo.bar | ||||||||||
[Foo](http://foo.bar) | Foo | ||||||||||
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<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_link.png", { alt: "Link to a Wiki page" }) %> | [[Wiki page]] | Wiki page | |||||||||
Issue #12 | Issue #12 | ||||||||||
##12 | Bug #12: The issue subject | ||||||||||
Revision r43 | Revision r43 | ||||||||||
commit:f30e13e43 | f30e13e4 | ||||||||||
source:some/file | source:some/file | ||||||||||
Inline images (" target="_blank">more) | |||||||||||
<%= image_tag("jstoolbar/bt_img.png", { alt: "Image" }) %> |  | ||||||||||
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Tables | |||||||||||
| A | B | C | |---|---|---| | A | B | C | | D | E | F | |